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Fig. 7 | GigaScience

Fig. 7

From: Colib’read on galaxy: a tools suite dedicated to biological information extraction from raw NGS reads

Fig. 7

MAPSEMBLER2 output graph obtained from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae dataset visualized using GSV. A zoom is proposed for visualizing first nodes. The grey node is the starter. Node size depicts the length of the sequence stored by the node. The node and edge colors depict the read coverage (here for one among all datasets) of the sequence stored by the node. The ‘bubbles’ seen on the right of the starter witness the presence of SNPs and small indels in the datasets. Note that by changing the choice of the read set selected for visualizing the coverage (node and edge colors), one can deduce the heterozygous or homozygous nature of these variants

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