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Figure 1 | GigaScience

Figure 1

From: Joint assembly and genetic mapping of the Atlantic horseshoe crab genome reveals ancient whole genome duplication

Figure 1

Fitting Poisson distributions to Limulus 23mer frequencies. The distribution of sequenced 23-mers, modeled as sampling genomic loci that are homozygous (single allele shared by all haplotypes), have two alleles that are tied (A and a present in parents as AA×aa or Aa×Aa), or have two alleles in a major-minor relationship (present in parents as AA×Aa or Aa×aa). Alleles whose parental contributions are homozygous, tied, major or minor each have a frequency peak corresponding to their distinctive fraction of the overall depth of genomic sequencing d. Loci sharing simple or repetitive sequence not sufficiently unique at a 23-mer scale contribute to a long tail off the right edge of the plot.

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