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Table 1 Display feature components of GWATCH

From: GWATCH: a web platform for automated gene association discovery analysis

Features displayed


1. Unabridged data table of SNP chromosome coordinates, MAF*, p-value and QAS** for each SNP for each test

Additional file 2: Table S1

2. Association tests list and Manhattan plots for each test across all SNPs

Additional file 1: Figure S1

3. SNAPSHOTS of SNP-test results in a chromosome region:


 1. 2D heat plot snapshot illustrating p-values in any selected chromosome region

Figure 1A and Additional file 1: Figure S2

 2. 3D checkerboard plot snapshot illustrating p-values and QAS** in any selected chromosome region

Figure 1B and Additiona file 1: Figure S3

 3. LD-polarized 3D checkerboard snapshot illustrating p-values and QAS** in any selected chromosome region

Figure 1B and Additional file 1: Figure S4

4. Dynamic HIGHWAY view by chromosome browser illustrating p-values and QAS**

Figure 1C

5. Top association hits:


 1. Top hits based on ranked -log p-value

Additional file 10: Table S7

 2. Top hits based on ranked QAS**

Additional file 10: Table S7

 3. Top hits based on ranked Density of -log p-value within a SNP genomic region

Additional file 10: Table S7

6. TRAX feature:


 1. TRAX PAGE – two-page graphic summary illustrating p-values and QAS** for one selected SNP

Additional file 7: Figure S5

 2. TRAX REPORT – eleven-page analysis summary with graphs, curves and tables for all association tests for one selected SNP

Additional file 8: Figure S6

  1. Abbreviations: *MAF minor allele frequency, **QAS quantitative association statistic (OR, RH, ez2-transformed correlation coefficient).