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Figure 6 | GigaScience

Figure 6

From: Applying compressed sensing to genome-wide association studies

Figure 6

The matrix of correlations (positive roots of the r 2 LD measure) among false positives and true nonzeros after the presumptive μ P − value phase transition for chromosome 22 ( s = 125, n = 5, 000, and h 2 = 0.5 ). SNP indices begin at the top left corner. The upper-left quadrant contains the correlations among false positives and the lower-right quadrant contains the correlations among the true nonzeros. Each element in the upper-right (lower-left) quadrant represents a correlation between a false positive and a true nonzero. Within both the false positive and the true nonzero sets, the markers are arranged in order of chromosomal map position.

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