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Table 2 Current key elements impeding proper tracking of bioresources use in scientific literature

From: Quantifying the use of bioresources for promoting their sharing in scientific research

Difficulties related to identification and acknowledgement of bioresources

Difficulties encountered with marker papers**

- multiplicity of sections where bioresources can be acknowledged (Material & Methods, Acknowledgements, References…)

- suitable to refer to one type of bioresource but not for any derived, or secondary bioresources

- bioresource acknowledgement or citation placed outside the title or abstract in the main paper (or in online supplementary materials) which can therefore only be detected via full-text mining and is not indexed in Pubmed or Web of Science

- typing errors or approximation of the bioresource name/identification

- multiplicity of names for a given bioresource

- cascade use of resources (e.g. several CEPH* Family samples are part of the Hapmap which are themselves part of the 1000 Genome Project)

- acknowledgement of persons instead of the bioresource itself

-absence of acknowledgement for the bioresource used (negligence)

- no standardized way to incentivise researchers to acknowledge properly the bioresource used

  1. *CEPH, Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain.
  2. **[36].